How to support us 

Become a member


Sponsor a project


Make a donation


Become a member

Your annual membership fee helps us finance and plan our activities.  As a member, you can vote at our Annual General Meetings and, in addition to our Annual Report, you will also receive our Newsletter on a regular basis. This way you will always have the latest information on our projects.

If you are interested, just send us an email with your name, address and telephone number, and pay the membership fee of CHF 50 into the CABOZ Action account at the Alternative Bank Schweiz:

CABOZ Action, Hermetschloostrasse 70, 8048 Zürich
IBAN: CH96 0839 0031 7536 1000 0

We look forward to welcoming you at an Annual General Meeting and to hearing your views.

How to become a member of CABOZ Action Côte d’Ivoire

Send an email to the president: Kathrin Heitz Tokpa

Make a donation

Payments can be made directly to:

CABOZ Action, Hermetschloostrasse 70, 8048 Zürich
IBAN: CH96 0839 0031 7536 1000 0

Donations to CABOZ Action are tax-deductible in most Swiss cantons.

Many thanks for your support! 


Orders can be made via email

Fine black (70 % cocoa) chocolate produced in Côte d’Ivoire. Refined and molded by Fabian Rimann, chocolatier in Wettingen: 70 g bar: CHF 8.50 + postage; 35 g bar: CHF 7.- + postage



Thomas Gröbly has kindly donated several copies of this exciting book, which he published in 2015 together with Fausta Borsani. We sell it for CHF 25 instead of CHF 39 plus postage.



Make a donation

CABOZ Action
IBAN: CH96 0839 0031 7536 1000 0
Hermetschloostrasse 70, 8048 Zürich

Please note donations to CABOZ Action are tax-deductible in most Swiss cantons.


Silvia Dingwall
President CABOZ Action
Sternenstrasse 7, 5415 Nussbaumen
Tel: +41 79 564 56 37

We thank our long-term partners: